Back in March 2011, Google announced that they will be changing 'Ads by Google' image found in all Google ads with "AdChoices". This change is made to comply with self-regulatory Program of the online advertising industry. This will allow Google to give users a choice to know more about their ads. Today (June 4, 2011) Google has implemented this change on their advertising system.
This is a minor change made in Google Ads interface for end-user however this may results higher revenue for Google and their ad publishers as every one was aware of "What Ads by Google is" and people had become conscious to click on such ads.
This is a minor change made in Google Ads interface for end-user however this may results higher revenue for Google and their ad publishers as every one was aware of "What Ads by Google is" and people had become conscious to click on such ads.
Google Earlier said:
Just like before, users who click on the "AdChoices" label will be taken to a page where they can learn more about online advertising and the ads they've just seen. This page will also provide a link to the Ads Preferences Manager, where users can control the types of interest-based ads they see. Our tests of this new icon and label showed that they should not have any effect on ad performance. We think this rollout will help users better understand the ads they're seeing, and we look forward to seeing widespread adoption of this label throughout the industry.
Actually, Google announced that they will be replacing " i " with " AdChoices " if you dont know what " i " is, let me tell you " i " is a mini icon that appears mostly on Google image and/or flash ads and whenever you drag mouse on that " i " it expands to "Ads by Google". Below given image will make understandings clear.
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