Whenever you enter your important information such as your email address login details, bank login details or such other login credentials. Its very important for you to know if you are on safe connection or Not! If you are not on safe connection, the website address will start from HTTP:// and if you are on a secure connection the website address will starts from HTTPS://. This additional "S" gives guarantee that you are on secure connection and your important information such as login details have no
interference of others. Now, the question is, How to get a secure connection for your Hotmail ?

Thats It, Now whenever you will login in your Windows Live Hotmail account, your connection will automatically be a secure connection and URL will always start with HTTPS://.
interference of others. Now, the question is, How to get a secure connection for your Hotmail ?
How to Get a Secure Connection for Hotmail (HTTPS)
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) connection shows that if site where you enter your login information uses SSL connection or Not. SSL protocol provides us the encrypted communication and secure network. Follow below given steps to use SSL connection for your HOTMAIL address.- Login in Your Windows Live Hotmail Account
- Go to Your Inbox, then click on "options" from top right and then click on "more options" form the list.
- There you will so many options, simply click on "Account details (password, aliases, time zone)"

- Scroll down the new page and click on "Connect with HTTPS" from the list.

- Now, select "Use HTTPS automatically" and click on save button.

Thats It, Now whenever you will login in your Windows Live Hotmail account, your connection will automatically be a secure connection and URL will always start with HTTPS://.
the best way to secure your hotmail is to use gmail :)
ReplyDeletei prefer gmail than hotmail roku box